Posts in One Drive
Top 10 "Likely" Copilot Issues... and how to Prevent Them

 Here are the top 10 things likely to go wrong if copilot is licensed to individuals who have not curated their digital office environment sufficiently.

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Embracing Microsoft Copilot

As we stand at the precipice of this new digital dawn with Copilot at our side, let us march forward with optimism tempered with the wisdom of our experiences. The journey promises to be eventful, filled with opportunities for growth, innovation, and probably a good laugh or two at our own expense.

Together, let's navigate this next chapter not just as managers of technology, but as architects of the future.

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Migrate Like a Pro, Not Like a Circus!

Migration of legacy documents to a modern SharePoint library often seems daunting, requiring a massive investment of time and resources. However, a new strategic approach has emerged that not only simplifies this process but also offers a competitive edge to visionary leaders.

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Best Practices for Managing Company Document Assets with SharePoint

As more companies migrate to the cloud, SharePoint has become an invaluable tool for managing company document assets. Recently Microsoft announced SharePoint passed 200 petabytes of new monthly content as the most flexible content cloud platform powering files, sites, lists, video, and much more.

When appropriately used, SharePoint ensures both seamless collaboration and stringent security. However, understanding SharePoint's nuances can be a challenge. Here's how to get the most out of it.

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OneDrive for Business: The Convenience Trap

When it comes to getting all of your employees’ files into the “cloud” you can't beat OneDrive. Its included with each enterprise Microsoft 365 license and it's ready to go. Even without training most employees can find their way there and start uploading their documents into it.

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