Creating an Actionable Intranet Design Specification

Through a series of interactive 'working sessions'
with your thoroughly trained steering committee, we develop and document an extensive, detailed specification for your new intranet. Our process during this pivotal stage is not only systematic and collaborative but also meticulously comprehensive, ensuring we encapsulate all facets of your organization's unique needs, strategic vision, and performance expectations.

This transformative phase unfolds through a sequence of engaging working sessions with your steering committee. The spotlight here is on constructing an in-depth, fully-fledged Intranet Specification, an indispensable tool for the realization of your optimal digital workspace. This is a moment of intense collaboration, open dialogue, and creative envisioning that culminates in the creation of these integral components:

Gull and scope document

Intranet Goal and Scope Document: The creation of the specification begins with the definition of the overall goals and scope for your new intranet. Our collective visioning process ensures this vital digital hub is designed to resonate with your organization's wider strategic objectives and cultural ethos, setting the stage for improved engagement and productivity.

sharepoint library specification

SharePoint Library Specification: Together, we delve into the construction of a standardized SharePoint Library template, a recurring design that will add cohesion and ease of document management across the intranet. This includes pinpointing the metadata columns and fine-tuning their category choices to streamline content management and improve discovery.

Sample Internet blueprint

Intranet Blueprint: Like any substantial building project, a clear, detailed structural blueprint is fundamental. We map out the architecture of your new intranet, stipulating the names, locations, and requisite permission groups for the various departmental site collections to foster a harmonious virtual work environment.

Sample departmental wireframe

Department Site Wireframe: Establishing a consistent layout for departmental sites paves the way for ease of use and adoption, while still allowing space for individual department uniqueness. We navigate the balance between brand integrity and functional requirements, generating a prototype to facilitate the development of each departmental site.

Sample Internet homepage wireframe

Intranet Home page Wireframe: The Intranet homepage is the central town square of your virtual office space. We fashion a wireframe that encapsulates the required structure, features, and functions, paving the way for a dynamic, engaging, and user-friendly hub. “Tools” pages are added to provide convenient groups of categorized hyperlinks allowing employees convenient access to the most popular information and documents without having to visit every department site. The “companion” Microsoft team is identified and connected to the portal’s top site to provide organization-wide communications.

legacy filed migration strategy

Migration Strategy: A smooth transition from your existing document storage systems to your new intranet is a cornerstone of a successful intranet launch. We create a well-defined, step-by-step migration strategy to facilitate the seamless transfer of files, ensuring all relevant data is in the right place, at the right time.

sample governance plan

Governance Plan: To secure the long-term efficiency and relevance of your new intranet, we craft a robust governance plan. This roadmap directs the usage, administration, and maintenance of your intranet, anchoring it in sustainable practices that evolve in harmony with your organizational growth.

Training and Support Strategy: Effective adoption and utilization are vital for a successful intranet deployment. We strategize, design, and specify a comprehensive curriculum for training and support, assuring all users can confidently navigate and leverage the platform's capabilities.

Moving Forward with a Meticulously Detailed Roadmap

Upon the conclusion of this stage, your organization is equipped with a comprehensive project specification. This project specification offers a crystal-clear guide for the construction of a Microsoft365-based Intranet, tailored to be uniquely attuned to your organization's distinct requirements. Whether you choose to put your project out to bid or move forward with our team, this specification ensures that every potential partner has a definitive understanding of what is to be created, providing the groundwork for the successful realization of your digital transformation.

Special note: All of the training sessions and working sessions take place in Microsoft Teams and these meetings are recorded with video, audio and a written transcript. These videos are added to the Internet’s “SharePoint training and support” site (part of the overall Internet site collection). This is true for each of the four engagements that represents a significant retained asset for the organization and dramatically facilitates future maintenance and growth of the Internet.