5 Top Signs Your Management Team Needs Basic M365 Training

As businesses undergo digital transformation, the role of productivity software like Microsoft 365 becomes increasingly important. While the features of Microsoft 365 are designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency, they only achieve their full potential when staff understand how to use them effectively. Senior managers must be vigilant in identifying when their teams may need extra training. Here are five tell-tale signs to look for.

1. Low Adoption Rates of Collaboration Tools

The Symptom

You notice that middle managers are still heavily reliant on email chains for conversations that could be more efficiently managed through Microsoft Teams or SharePoint.

The Diagnosis

This often signifies that the team isn't fully aware of or comfortable with the collaborative tools available within Microsoft 365. Teams and SharePoint offer more efficient ways to manage workflows and communication but can be underutilized when users aren't properly trained.

2. Inefficient Data Management and File Sharing

The Symptom

Files are being shared via email attachments or through unsecured means, and there is no central repository for important documents.

The Diagnosis

A lack of awareness about OneDrive or SharePoint for secure and centralized file storage can lead to risky and inefficient data management practices. Additional training can ensure that important files are stored, shared, and even co-edited in a secure and efficient manner.

3. Frequent Technical Errors or User Issues

The Symptom

The IT department is constantly troubleshooting basic issues related to Microsoft 365 applications like Word, Excel, or Teams.

The Diagnosis

Regular technical errors are a sign that users may not understand the platform's functionalities properly. Rather than fixing problems on a case-by-case basis, a structured training program can provide a more comprehensive and long-term solution.

4. Poor Meeting Etiquette and Utilization of Virtual Meeting Tools

The Symptom

Virtual meetings are often plagued by technical difficulties, or participants aren’t using features like ‘raise hand,’ shared notes, or breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams.

The Diagnosis

This points toward a lack of training on how to effectively conduct and participate in virtual meetings using Microsoft 365. Proper awareness of these features can make remote communication more effective and engaging.

5. Limited Use of Advanced Features

The Symptom

You observe that middle managers are using Microsoft 365 applications only for their most basic functions—Word for typing, Excel for simple tables, etc.

The Diagnosis

If advanced features like Power BI for analytics, Planner for task management, or automation features in Excel are going unused, this is a missed opportunity for efficiency. A training program can introduce these advanced features and demonstrate how they can be applied to daily tasks.


The digital transformation journey is not just about adopting new technologies but also about ensuring that teams are equipped to use these tools effectively. Senior managers must be vigilant and proactive in identifying the need for additional training. By watching out for these five signs, you can ensure that your management team is fully leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft 365, thereby driving efficiency, collaboration, and overall business success.

Navigating Unusual Digital Transformations, M365, SharePoint, and Teams Situations
In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, unexpected challenges can arise at any moment.

When technology throws a curveball your way, you don't have to face it alone. 

The team at Jack Frost Design is specialized in the M365 platform, SharePoint, Teams, Power Platform, and Permissions, AI Digital Transformations and Training.  We provide tailored solutions to your unique needs, whether it's initial setup, customization, reskilling your teams or navigating perplexing issues that occasionally come up.

Understanding the significance of your company's document assets, having a dedicated expert on speed dial isn't just good sense—it's essential.   With us, you're not merely getting technical expertise; you're gaining a committed partner in ensuring your document management is efficient, secure, and streamlined. 

At Jack Frost Design, we offer robust support and transformative solutions that can help your business navigate the challenges of document management.