
The Problem with Training

People want answers, not "training"

Online and Onsite Training

Online and Onsite Training & Support

Online and Onsite Training & Support

Online and Onsite Training

The goal of software training is to achieve and maintain productivity at the lowest possible cost.  Since the advent of Intranets, training budgets have moved from the "instructor led" model to "on demand video" for training and support.  That's because, with an Intranet, each desktop is a classroom and recorded training is a retained asset!  JFD provides a complete set of Online and Onsite training and support solutions that include:

  • Fully Automated SharePoint End User Training & Support

  • Custom video training recorded in YOUR environment

  • Executive Training (One-on-One)

  • Online "Lunch & Learn" Adoption Support Sessions

  • End User and Developer Technical "Working Sessions"

Custom online training, hosted in your intranet and supported by periodic, live "lunch and learn" answer sessions is the most cost effective training model to date.  


The iAssist SharePoint Training & Support Site Simply the best way to Train and Support Your Employees.

The iAssist SharePoint Training & Support Site
Simply the best way to Train and Support Your Employees.

Automated Intranet Training and Support

"iAssist" is a Site added to your M365 Intranet that provides a "Turn-Key" Automated Training and Support Solution.  iAssist utilizes a curriculum of professionally scripted “bite sized” video training segments to train your users and provide ongoing support for your Intranet.

  • Watched in sequence, it’s a training curriculum.

  • Watched when searched for, it’s a help desk.

Now there's an affordable, 24/7 solution for providing excellent training and support for all of your users. Curious?


Professionally Scripted and Produced Training Videos on Any Topic Hosted on Your Intranet.

Professionally Scripted and Produced
Training Videos on Any Topic Hosted on Your Intranet.

Custom Training on Your Software, Procedures and Workflows! 

Generic training in "Off the Shelf" software is plentiful... but what do you do when you need to train your users in a Program, Procedure or Workflow that's unique to your business?  JFD creates professional custom training, recorded in your environment, that is easily added to your Intranet.  This allows training and support that is:

  • More relevant because it's recorded in your environment using your examples

  • Incorporates your rules, guidelines and governance

  • Insures consistent training across your organization

  • Available 24/7 for viewing and reviewing

  • By far the most cost effective training method available

Most corporate training is switching to an "On Demand" video delivery model, if you're curious, contact us or Book a free consultation to learn more or see a demonstration.

Executive Training "Bottom Line" Coaching for Senior Management.

Executive Training
"Bottom Line" Coaching for Senior Management.

Executive Training

If you're an Executive with financial responsibility for your organizations investment in SharePoint, then you're aware of just how expensive it can be.  You may not be aware that almost 90% of SharePoint projects are considered "not successful" by their Project Managers.  Sure, you don't need end user training but a few hours of Executive Coaching will pay huge dividends.  We can quickly teach you: 

  • What the Microsoft 365 Platform is, What it can do, What it can't do.

  • How to use General AI.

  • How Successful Intranets are Structured

  • How to Detect a Failed or Failing Intranet

  • How to Increase Technology Awareness in Middle Managers.

These are "Bottom Line" executive level conversations that will equip you to avoid owning an expensive failed Intranet.  Interested?  Book your free consultation discuss how to prepare for your Executive Training Session.